AgendaOwen Sound City CouncilMonday, October 18, 2021 7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East5:45 p.m. - Closed Session - Council Chambers7:00 p.m. - Open Session - Council ChambersPublic attendance at Council meetings continues to be restricted at this time. Council meetings can be viewed live on Rogers Cable TV or the Rogers TV Website or the Council and Committee webpage. Individuals who wish to ask a question during public question period can email the City Clerk at [email protected] by noon on the day of the meeting.1.RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION "THAT City Council now move into 'Closed Session' to consider: Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Council meeting held on September 13, 2021; One matter regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, a proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality and a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to negotiations respecting a City property; One matter regarding a proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality respecting a City property; and One matter regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual respecting recruitment." 2.DECLARATION TO MOVE TO THE OPEN SESSION 3.REPORTING OUT OF CLOSED SESSION 4.CALL FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 5.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 6.CONFIRMATION OF THE COUNCIL MINUTES 6.aMinutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Council meeting held on September 13, 2021 6.bMinutes of the Regular Council meeting held on September 27, 2021 1.2021-09-27 Minutes.pdf7.MOTION TO MOVE COUNCIL INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE8.PUBLIC MEETINGS There are no public meetings.9.DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 9.aDeputation from William Schatten and Winsome Stek, Forum Research Inc. Re: Citizen Satisfaction Survey 1.Owen Sound Citizen Satisfaction Survey_Presentation.pdf10.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 11.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR WHICH DIRECTION OF COUNCIL IS REQUIRED There are no correspondence items presented for consideration.12.REPORTS OF CITY STAFF 12.aReport CM-21-021 from the City Manager Re: Citizen Satisfaction Survey 1.Citizen Satisfaction Survey - CM-21-021.pdf12.bReport CM-21-025 from the City Manager Re: Non-Resident Paid Parking at City Parks 1.Non-Resident Paid Parking at City Parks - CM-21-025.pdf12.cVerbal Report from the Deputy Mayor Re: Grey County Council 13.CONSENT AGENDA 13.aReport CR-21-099 from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Agricultural Society FCC Grant Partnership 1.Agricultural Society FCC Grant Partnership - CR-21-099.pdf13.bReport OP-21-036 from the Engineering Services Administrator Re: Road Closures - November 20, 2021 - Santa Claus Parade and Festival of Northern Lights Opening Ceremony 1.Road Closures November 20, 2021 - OP-21-036.pdf13.cMemorandum from the Junior Planner Re: External Planning Policy Comment Summary - August and September 2021 1.EP Notices Memo - August and September.pdf2.Notice Package.pdf13.dMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation meeting held on August 12, 2021 1.2021-08-12 OSMNPHC Minutes.pdf13.eMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Housing Company meeting held on August 12, 2021 1.2021-08-12 OSHC Minutes.pdf13.fFinal approvals issued for the following Business Licences: Paudyla Cuisine Inc. is the new owner of Sabitri's Global Cuisine, a restaurant located at 941 2nd Avenue East Kathy Hannen has relocated Grey Bruce Business Service to a home based business at 1085 2nd Avenue East 13.gCorrespondence received which is presented for the information of Council 1.2021-10-18 Information Package.pdf14.COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPROVAL 14.aMinutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held on September 28, 2021 1.2021-09-28 AAC Minutes.pdf14.bMinutes of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held on September 23, 2021 1.2021-09-23 Corporate Services Minutes.pdf15.MATTERS POSTPONED There are no postponed matters.16.MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN There are no motions for which notice was previously given.17.DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 18.MOTION THAT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RISE AND REPORT FORMAL SESSION19.MOTION TO ADOPT PROCEEDINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 20.NOTICES OF MOTION 21.BY-LAWS 21.aBy-law No. 2021-119 "A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound held on the 18th day of October, 2021"21.bBy-law No. 2021-120 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Automotive Materials Stewardship Inc. respecting automotive hazardous and special products"22.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.2021-09-27 Minutes.pdf1.2021-08-12 OSMNPHC Minutes.pdf1.2021-08-12 OSHC Minutes.pdf1.EP Notices Memo - August and September.pdf2.Notice Package.pdf1.Agricultural Society FCC Grant Partnership - CR-21-099.pdf1.2021-09-28 AAC Minutes.pdf1.2021-09-23 Corporate Services Minutes.pdf1.Road Closures November 20, 2021 - OP-21-036.pdf1.Non-Resident Paid Parking at City Parks - CM-21-025.pdf1.2021-10-18 Information Package.pdf1.Citizen Satisfaction Survey - CM-21-021.pdf1.Owen Sound Citizen Satisfaction Survey_Presentation.pdf