AgendaCorporate Services CommitteeThursday, May 11, 2023 at 5:30 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East - Council ChambersIndividuals may attend City Hall to watch the meeting or the meeting can be viewed live on the City’s Council and Committee webpage. Individuals who are unable to ask a question in person must provide their questions a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting to the Customer Service Facilitator.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.CALL FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.aMinutes of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held on April 13, 2023 1.04-13-23 - Minutes - Corporate Services Committee.pdf5.DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.aPresentation from Todd and Renee from the Owen Sound Animal Shelter Re: What the Animal Shelter is all about 1.Animal totals 1999 to present.pdf2.Facility and program updates.pdf5.bDeputation from Matt Bittel Re: Water Bill Dispute 1.TCS Water Consumption Case - May 2023_Redacted.pdf6.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 7.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR WHICH DIRECTION IS REQUIRED There are no correspondence items being presented for consideration. 8.REPORTS OF CITY STAFF 8.aFire 8.a.1Report CR-23-043 from the Fire Prevention Officer Re: Amendment to Fireworks By-law No. 2022-050 1.Amendment to Fireworks By-Law 2022-050 - CR-23-043.pdf2.Draft Fireworks By-law 2023-XXX.pdf8.bAccounting 8.b.1Report CR-23-049 from the Director of Corporate Services Re: T1 Financial Update 1.2023 T1 Financial Update - CR-23-049.pdf8.cTaxes and Revenue None.8.dCorporate and Facility Services None.8.eInformation Technology None.8.fHuman Resources 8.f.1Report CR-23-048 from Strategic Human Resources Manager Re: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy 1.Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy.pdf2.Inclusion Strategy (Final).pdf3.Inclusion Strategy (Final) - Accessible Version.pdf8.gClerks 8.g.1Report CR-23-045 from the City Clerk Re: Short Term Rentals (STRs) 1.Short Term Rentals (STRs) - CR-23-045.pdf2.Attachment No 1 - STR Survey Questions.pdf8.hParking and By-law Enforcement None.9.MATTERS POSTPONED There are no matters postponed.10.MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN There are no motions for which notice was previously given.11.CORRESPONDENCE PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION There are no correspondence items being presented for information. 12.DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 13.NOTICES OF MOTION 14.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.04-13-23 - Minutes - Corporate Services Committee.pdf1.Animal totals 1999 to present.pdf2.Facility and program updates.pdf1.Amendment to Fireworks By-Law 2022-050 - CR-23-043.pdf2.Draft Fireworks By-law 2023-XXX.pdf1.2023 T1 Financial Update - CR-23-049.pdf1.Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy.pdf2.Inclusion Strategy (Final).pdf3.Inclusion Strategy (Final) - Accessible Version.pdf1.Short Term Rentals (STRs) - CR-23-045.pdf2.Attachment No 1 - STR Survey Questions.pdf1.TCS Water Consumption Case - May 2023_Redacted.pdf