AgendaOwen Sound City CouncilMonday, February 13, 2023 5:30 P.m. - 6:30 P.m.City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East - Council Chambers5:30 p.m. - Open Session - Council ChambersNo Closed SessionIndividuals may attend City Hall to watch the meeting or the meeting can be viewed live on Rogers Cable TV or the Rogers TV Website or the Council and Committee webpage. Individuals who are unable to ask a question in person must provide their questions a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting to the City Clerk.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.CALL FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.CONFIRMATION OF THE COUNCIL MINUTES 4.aMinutes of the Regular Council meeting held on January 30, 2023 1.2023-01-30 Minutes.pdf5.MOTION TO MOVE COUNCIL INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE6.PUBLIC MEETINGS There are no public meetings.7.DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7.aDeputation from Dianne Booker, President of the Grey County Federation of Agriculture Re: Update on the Federation of Agriculture 1.Deputation - Update on the Federation of Agriculture.pdf7.bPresentation from the Manager of Parks and Open Space Re: Final Draft of Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan 1.Presentation - Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan.pdf2.Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan - Final Draft.pdf3.Report CS-22-161 - Kelso Beach Master Plan Update - Comments on the Draft Plan.pdf4.Report CS-23-010 - Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan - Community Services Committee Engagement and Updates.pdf8.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 9.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR WHICH DIRECTION OF COUNCIL IS REQUIRED There are no correspondence items being presented for consideration.10.REPORTS OF CITY STAFF 10.aReport CS-23-022 from Dave Aston and Aleah Clarke, MHBC Planning Re: Recommendation Report - ZBA No. 41- Housekeeping Amendment to Permit and Regulate Additional Residential Units 1.Recommendation Report - ZBA 41 Additional Residential Units - CS-23-022.pdf2.Schedule A - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment .pdf3.Schedule B - Agency Comments.pdf10.bVerbal Report from the Deputy Mayor Re: Grey County Council 11.CONSENT AGENDA 11.aMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Police Services Board meeting held on December 21, 2022 1.2022-12-21 - OSPSB Minutes.pdf11.bFinal approvals issued for the following Business Licences: Christa's Studio, a hair salon located at 1545 14th Street East Ritchie's Delivery Service, a home and beverage delivery service from 1123 3rd Avenue West 11.cCorrespondence received which is presented for the information of Council 1.2023-02-13 Information Package.pdf12.COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPROVAL 12.aMinutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held on January 24, 2023 1.2023-02-24 AAC Minutes.pdf12.bMinutes of the Community Services Committee meeting held on January 25, 2023 1.2023-01-25 Community Services Committee Minutes.pdf12.cMinutes of the Operations Committee meeting held on January 26, 2023 1.2023-01-26 Operations Committee Minutes.pdf12.dMinutes of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery Advisory Committee meeting held on February 1, 2023 1.2023-02-01 TTAGAC Minutes.pdf13.MATTERS POSTPONED There are no postponed matters.14.MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN There are no motions for which notice was previously given.15.DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 16.MOTION THAT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RISE AND REPORT FORMAL SESSION17.MOTION TO ADOPT PROCEEDINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 18.NOTICES OF MOTION 19.MOTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION There is no Closed Session.20.REPORTING OUT OF CLOSED SESSION There is no Closed Session.21.BY-LAWS 21.aBy-law No. 2023-018 "A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound held on the 13th day of February, 2023"21.bBy-law No. 2023-019 "A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2010-078, respecting additional residential units (ZBA No. 41)"21.cBy-law No. 2023-020 "A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2010-078, respecting lands located at 1730 27th Avenue East (ZBA No. 43)"22.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.2023-01-30 Minutes.pdf1.2022-12-21 - OSPSB Minutes.pdf1.2023-01-26 Operations Committee Minutes.pdf1.2023-02-01 TTAGAC Minutes.pdf1.2023-02-13 Information Package.pdf1.Deputation - Update on the Federation of Agriculture.pdf1.2023-01-25 Community Services Committee Minutes.pdf1.2023-02-24 AAC Minutes.pdf1.Recommendation Report - ZBA 41 Additional Residential Units - CS-23-022.pdf2.Schedule A - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment .pdf3.Schedule B - Agency Comments.pdf1.Presentation - Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan.pdf2.Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan - Final Draft.pdf3.Report CS-22-161 - Kelso Beach Master Plan Update - Comments on the Draft Plan.pdf4.Report CS-23-010 - Kelso Beach at Nawash Park Master Plan - Community Services Committee Engagement and Updates.pdf