Community Services Committee

City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East - Council Chambers

The public can attend meetings in person. As a courtesy, meetings will also be livestreamed to the City’s Council and Committee webpage. If technical difficulties arise with the livestream that cannot be resolved within fifteen minutes, the meeting will continue and a recording of the meeting will be available after the meeting either on the City’s Council and Committee webpage or via audio recording by contacting the City Clerk.

Individuals who are unable to attend public forum in person must provide their comments one business day in advance of the meeting to the Recording Secretary. The comments will be circulated to members and will appear on the agenda when it is re-published after the meeting.

There are no deputations or presentations.

There are no correspondence items being presented for consideration. 

There are no matters postponed.

“WHEREAS the City of Owen Sound has been recognized in 2022 and 2023 by the Arbor Day Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as a Tree City of the World, in which the City acknowledged its “dedication to growing and maintaining the best urban forestry practices”; and

WHEREAS a healthy tree canopy provides numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits for our City and therefore aligns with the City’s Strategic Plan, Official Plan Policies and supports the City’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan; and

WHEREAS tree protection is a shared responsibility among the municipality, residents and other stakeholders; and

WHEREAS trees on belonging to the Corporation of the City of Owen Sound are protected under By-law No. 1994-020 (Owen Sound Shade Tree By-law); and

WHEREAS trees on lands to be developed are subject to the City’s Residential Tree Preservation Policy, established in 2004 and woodlots on properties over one hectare are subject to the County of Grey By-law 4341-06 (Forest Management By-law to Promote Sustainable Forest Management Practices and to Prohibit or Regulate the Destruction or Injuring of Trees in Woodlands in the 
County of Grey);

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Owen Sound consider the creation of a plan, policy or by-law as part of their 2025 work plan regarding the stewardship of mature and native trees on private land to ensure they are considered in a manner that reflects current best practices, research, data, science and the need for an enhanced tree canopy that promotes livable communities and climate change adaptation and mitigation.

AND THAT staff come back to the Community Services Committee with a report to investigate these options to recommend for Council Consideration.”