AgendaCommunity Services CommitteeWednesday, October 18, 2023 at 5:30 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East - Council ChambersIndividuals may attend City Hall to watch the meeting or the meeting can be viewed live on the City’s Council and Committees webpage. Individuals who are unable to ask a question in person must provide their questions a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting to the Community Services Administrative Assistant.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.CALL FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.aMinutes of the Community Services Committee meeting held on September 20, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CS_Sep20_2023 - English.pdf5.DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS There are no deputations or presentations.6.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 7.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR WHICH DIRECTION IS REQUIRED 8.REPORTS OF CITY STAFF 8.aParks and Open Space 8.a.1CS-23-108 from the Manager of Parks and Open Space Re: Duncan McLellan Park Capital Renewal 1.Duncan McLellan Park Capital Renewal - CS-23-108.pdf2.Attachment 1. Summary of Improvements 2016-2023.pdf3.Attachment 2. Multi-Year Duncan McLellan Capital Detail Sheets 2024-2026.pdf4.Attachment 3 - October 2023 Ball Diamond Fees Comparison.pdf8.bPlanning and Heritage 8.b.1Report CS-23-107 from the Manager of Planning and Heritage Re: Technical Report - ZBA 51 (STR Housekeeping Amendment) 1.Technical Report - ZBA 51 (STR Housekeeping Amendment) - CS-23-107.pdf2.Schedule ‘A’ – Summary of Proposed Housekeeping Amendments .pdf8.b.2Report CS-23-099 from the Junior Planner Re: CIP Application - 263 10th St E (Barry's Construction and Insulation Ltd) 1.CIP Application - 263 10th St E (Barry's Construction and Insulation Ltd) - CS-23-099.pdf2.Schedule 'A' Application .pdf3.Schedule 'B' Before and After Photos.pdf4.Schedule 'C' Elevations.pdf5.Schedule 'D' Cost Estimate.pdf6.Schedule 'E' List of Approved Work .pdf7.Schedule 'F' Conditions of Approval.pdf8.cArena Operations None. 8.dBuilding None.8.eFacility Bookings and Community Programs None.8.fTourism and Cultural Services None.9.MATTERS POSTPONED There are no matters postponed.10.MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN There are no motions for which notice was previously given.11.CORRESPONDENCE PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION 11.aMemorandum from the Chief Building Official Re: Development Update - September 2023 1.September 2023 Development Update .pdf11.bCommittee Vacancies Information Sheet 1.2024 Committees Information Sheet.pdf12.DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 13.NOTICES OF MOTION 14.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Technical Report - ZBA 51 (STR Housekeeping Amendment) - CS-23-107.pdf2.Schedule ‘A’ – Summary of Proposed Housekeeping Amendments .pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CS_Sep20_2023 - English.pdf1.September 2023 Development Update .pdf1.CIP Application - 263 10th St E (Barry's Construction and Insulation Ltd) - CS-23-099.pdf2.Schedule 'A' Application .pdf3.Schedule 'B' Before and After Photos.pdf4.Schedule 'C' Elevations.pdf5.Schedule 'D' Cost Estimate.pdf6.Schedule 'E' List of Approved Work .pdf7.Schedule 'F' Conditions of Approval.pdf1.Duncan McLellan Park Capital Renewal - CS-23-108.pdf2.Attachment 1. Summary of Improvements 2016-2023.pdf3.Attachment 2. Multi-Year Duncan McLellan Capital Detail Sheets 2024-2026.pdf4.Attachment 3 - October 2023 Ball Diamond Fees Comparison.pdf1.2024 Committees Information Sheet.pdf