AgendaOwen Sound City CouncilMonday, November 20, 2023 5:30 P.m. - 6:30 P.m.City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East - Council Chambers5:30 p.m. - Open Session - Council ChambersNo Closed SessionIndividuals may attend City Hall to watch the meeting or the meeting can be viewed live on Rogers Cable TV or the Rogers TV Website or the Council and Committees webpage. Individuals who are unable to ask a question in person must provide their questions a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting to the City Clerk.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.CALL FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.CONFIRMATION OF THE COUNCIL MINUTES 4.aMinutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Council meeting held on October 23, 2023 4.bMinutes of the Regular Council meeting held on November 6, 2023 1.2023-11-06 Minutes.pdf5.MOTION TO MOVE COUNCIL INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE6.PUBLIC MEETINGS There are no public meetings.7.DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7.aDeputation from Craig Snowdon Re: Liveable Basic Income Plan 1.Handout - Household Food Insecurity in Canada.pdf7.bDeputation from Christopher Johannsen and Chelsea Miller Re: Rental Cap for Short-Term Rentals 1.Deputation - Rental Cap for Short-Term Rentals.pdf7.cPresentation from the City Manager Re: Monthly Update 1.Presentation - City Manager Update November 2023.pdf8.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 9.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR WHICH DIRECTION OF COUNCIL IS REQUIRED There are no correspondence items being presented for consideration.10.REPORTS OF CITY STAFF 10.aReport CR-23-097 from the City Clerk Re: Rental Cap and Principal Residence Requirements for STRs 1.Rental Cap and Principal Residence Requirements for STRs - CR-23-097.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Map of C1 and MC Zones.pdf10.bVerbal Report from the Deputy Mayor Re: Grey County Council 11.CONSENT AGENDA 11.aReport CR-23-094 from the Deputy Clerk Re: Public Member Appointments to Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee and Vacancies on Corporate Services Committee and River District Board of Management 1.Public Member Appointments to Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee and Vacancies - CR-23-094.pdf2.Roster of Recommended Public Appointees.pdf11.bReport CS-23-123 from the Director of Community Services Re: Request to Assign Lease - Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre (JMRRC) Concession 1.Assignment of Lease Request - Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre - CS-23-123.pdf2.Shayela Nasrin, for Shaiqua Rahman Restaurants Ltd. Request .pdf11.cMemorandum from the Junior Planner Re: External Planning Policy Comment Summary - September and October 2023 1.External Planning Notices - September and October 2023.pdf11.dMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Police Services Board meeting held on September 27, 2023 1.2023-09-27 OSPSB Minutes.pdf11.eMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: River District Board of Management meeting held on September 13, 2023 1.2023-09-13 River District Minutes.pdf11.fFinal approvals issued for the following Business Licences: Shayela Nasrin is the new owner of The Curry House, a restaurant located at 984 2nd Avenue East Parth Patel is the new owner of Vince's Kwik Mart, a convenience store located at 601 2nd Avenue East The Rumpus Room, a community bar located at 237 9th Street East Grey County Ranch, a country themed event centre nightclub located at 937 2nd Avenue East Michele's Cakes N Bakes, a home occupation located at 426 14th Street West 11.gCorrespondence received which is presented for the information of Council 1.2023-11-20 Information Package.pdf12.COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPROVAL 12.aMinutes of the Community Development, Tourism and Culture Advisory Committee meeting held on November 10, 2023 1.2023-11-10 CDTCAC Minutes.pdf12.bMinutes of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held on November 9, 2023 1.2023-11-09 Corporate Services Committee Minutes.pdf12.cMinutes of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery Advisory Committee meeting held on November 1, 2023 1.2023-11-01 TTAGAC Minutes.pdf13.MATTERS POSTPONED There are no postponed matters.14.MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN There are no motions for which notice was previously given.15.DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 16.MOTION THAT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RISE AND REPORT FORMAL SESSION17.MOTION TO ADOPT PROCEEDINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 18.NOTICES OF MOTION 19.MOTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION There is no Closed Session.20.REPORTING OUT OF CLOSED SESSION There is no Closed Session.21.BY-LAWS 21.aBy-law No. 2023-120 "A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound held on the 20th day of November, 2023"21.bBy-law No. 2023-121 "A By-law to amend Board and Committee By-law No. 2023-010 to establish a Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee, note certain vacancies and add a public applicant scoring tool"21.cBy-law No. 2023-122 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Andpet Realty Limited respecting the assumption of services for East Court Residences Subdivision"21.dBy-law No. 2023-123 "A By-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 2009-075 to add stop signs, adjust rates of speed and add no parking areas"21.eBy-law No. 2023-124 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an assignment of lease for the concession stand at the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre"22.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2023-11-06 Minutes.pdf1.2023-09-27 OSPSB Minutes.pdf1.2023-09-13 River District Minutes.pdf1.2023-11-01 TTAGAC Minutes.pdf1.External Planning Notices - September and October 2023.pdf1.2023-11-20 Information Package.pdf1.Deputation - Rental Cap for Short-Term Rentals.pdf1.Assignment of Lease Request - Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre - CS-23-123.pdf2.Shayela Nasrin, for Shaiqua Rahman Restaurants Ltd. Request .pdf1.Public Member Appointments to Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee and Vacancies - CR-23-094.pdf2.Roster of Recommended Public Appointees.pdf1.2023-11-10 CDTCAC Minutes.pdf1.2023-11-09 Corporate Services Committee Minutes.pdf1.Rental Cap and Principal Residence Requirements for STRs - CR-23-097.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Map of C1 and MC Zones.pdf1.Handout - Household Food Insecurity in Canada.pdf1.Presentation - City Manager Update November 2023.pdf