"WHEREAS at the December 1, 2023, Special Council Meeting respecting the 2024 operating budget, City Council approved an increase to the cost of garbage bag tags to $3.50 effective January 1, 2024; and
WHEREAS City Council may benefit from further consideration of items not discussed, to formulate the decision-making process, including but not limited to:
- the impacts on quantity sold known as the quantity impact on a demand curve demonstrated by the 2011 price increase; and
- the subsequent number of years required before realizing the same number of units sold; and
WHEREAS there was no discussion on potential alternatives for reducing future expenditures for waste collection including utilization of existing reserve balances to support consideration of moving collection in house; and
WHEREAS the original intent of bag tags was waste diversion;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT I move at the next Regular Council meeting that City Council reconsider Resolution No. S-231201-007 from the Special Council meeting respecting an increase to the garbage bag tag fee."