AgendaOwen Sound City CouncilMonday, July 19, 2021 7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.City Hall - 808 2nd Avenue East5:15 p.m. - Closed Session - Council Chambers7:00 p.m. - Open Session - Council ChambersPublic attendance at Council meetings continues to be restricted at this time. Council meetings can be viewed live on Rogers Cable TV or the Rogers TV Website or the Council and Committee webpage. Individuals who wish to ask a question during public question period can email the City Clerk at [email protected] by noon on the day of the meeting.1.RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION "THAT City Council now move into 'Closed Session' to consider: Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Council meeting held on June 28, 2021; One matter regarding a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality and a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization respecting a property located at 2347 3rd Avenue West; One matter regarding a proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege respecting a City property; and One matter regarding a proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; litigation or potential litigation; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations respecting the Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport" 2.DECLARATION TO MOVE TO THE OPEN SESSION 3.REPORTING OUT OF CLOSED SESSION 4.CALL FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 5.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 6.CONFIRMATION OF THE COUNCIL MINUTES 6.aMinutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Council meeting held on June 28, 2021 6.bMinutes of the Regular Council meeting held on June 28, 2021 1.2021-06-28 Minutes.pdf7.MOTION TO MOVE COUNCIL INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE8.PUBLIC MEETINGS There are no public meetings.9.DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS There are no deputations or presentations.10.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 11.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR WHICH DIRECTION OF COUNCIL IS REQUIRED There are no correspondence items being presented for consideration.12.REPORTS OF CITY STAFF 12.aReport CM-21-016 from the City Manager Re: City Actions and Decisions Implemented, COVID-19 from May 15, 2021 - July 16, 2021 1.City Actions and Decisions Implemented, COVID-19 from May 15, 2021 – July 16, 2021 - CM-21-016.pdf12.bReport CM-21-015 from the City Manager Re: Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport (CYOS) Future Ownership and Operations 1.Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport - CM-21-015.pdf12.cReport CS-21-107 from the Planner Re: Recommendation Report – ZBA 33 Sydenham Heights Centre at 1960 16th Street East by Thompson Centres Inc. 1.Recommendation Report - ZBA 33 Sydenham Heights Centre at 1960 16th St E. by Thompson Centres Inc. - CS-21-107.pdf2.Schedule 'A' - Orthophoto.pdf3.Schedule 'B' - Official Plan and Zoning Map.pdf4.SchedC_ConceptPlan(1).pdf5.Schedule 'D' - Peer Review Process.pdf6.Schedule 'E' - Draft Zoning By-law and Schedule.pdf7.Schedule 'F' - Public Meeting Minutes and Public Comments.pdf8.Schedule 'G' - Agency Comments.pdf12.dReport CS-21-103 from the Planner Re: Recommendation Report ST2021-003 Marina View Heights at 2347 3rd Avenue West 1.Recommendation Report - Site Plan Approval ST2021- 003 Marina View Heights at 2347 3rd Ave W - CS-21-103.pdf2.ST2021003SchedA.pdf3.ST2021003SchedB.pdf4.Schedule C_PropertyInfo.pdf5.SchedD_SitePlan_OPEN.pdf6.SchedE_ElevationsArchBrief.pdf7.Schedule F_Conditions.pdf8.ScheduleG_Comments.pdf12.eReport CR-21-076 from the Director of Corporate Services Re: 2022 Call to Budget 1.2022 Call to Budget - CR-21-076.pdf2.Capital project template matrix.pdf12.fReport CR-21-073 from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Canada Community Revitalization Fund 1.Canada Community Revitalization Fund - CR-21-073.pdf12.gReport CS-21-096 from the Junior Planner Re: Site Plan Approval (ST2021-005) – 1457 14th Street East – Block 4 East Court Residences Subdivision 1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-005) - 1457 14th Street East - Block 4 East Court Residences Subdivision - CS-21-096.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho.pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy.pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details.pdf5.Schedule D_Concept Plan.pdf6.Schedule E_Site Plan.pdf7.Schedule F_Landscape Plan.pdf8.Schedule G_Elevations.pdf9.Schedule H_Conditions.pdf10.Schedule I_Agency Comments.pdf12.hReport CS-21-091 from the Junior Planner Re: Site Plan Approval (ST2021-008) – 1300-1396 15th Avenue East – Block 5 East Court Residences Subdivision 1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-008) - Block 5 East Court Residences Subdivision - CS-21-091.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho(1).pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy(1).pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details(1).pdf5.Schedule D_Concept Plan(1).pdf6.Schedule E_Site Plan(1).pdf7.Schedule F_Landscape Plan(1).pdf8.Schedule G_Elevations(1).pdf9.Schedule H_Conditions(1).pdf10.Schedule I_Agency Comments(1).pdf12.iReport CS-21-088 from the Junior Planner Re: Site Plan Approval (ST2021-007) – 530 28th Street West – Barry’s Construction & Insulation Ltd. 1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-007) - 530 28th Street West - Barry's Construction - CS-21-088.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho(2).pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy(2).pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details(2).pdf5.Schedule D_Site Plan.pdf6.Schedule E_Floor Plans and Elevations.pdf7.Schedule F_Shadow Study.pdf8.Schedule G_Landscape Plan.pdf9.Schedule H_Conditions(2).pdf10.Schedule I_Agency Comments(2).pdf12.jReport CS-21-104 from the Junior Planner Re: Site Plan Approval (ST2021-006) – 1745 23rd Street East – Owen Sound Fuels Inc. 1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-006) - 1745 23rd Street East - Owen Sound Fuels - CS-21-104.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho(3).pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy(3).pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details(3).pdf5.Schedule D_Site Plan(1).pdf6.Schedule E_Conditions.pdf7.Schedule F_Comments.pdf12.kReport OP-21-027 from the Engineering Technologist Re: Conveyance of Public Land Adjacent to 590 2nd St ‘A’ West 1.Conveyance of Public Land Adjacent to 590 2nd Street A West - OP-21-027.pdf2.PL1025 - block G highlighted.pdf12.lReport CS-21-106 from the Manager of Community and Business Development Re: Wayfinding Signage Project and Funding Agreement 1.Wayfinding Signage Project Update - CS-21-106.pdf2.Wayfinding Signage County Roads Map.pdf12.mVerbal Report from the Deputy Mayor Re: Grey County Council and Grey Bruce Board of Health 13.CONSENT AGENDA 13.aReport CS-21-092 from the Facilities Booking Coordinator Re: Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association’s 33rd Annual Salmon Spectacular – August 27 to September 5, 2021 1.Sydenham Sportsmen's Association 33rd Annual Salmon Spectacular - August 27 to September 5, 2021 - CS-21-092.pdf2.Letter from Chris Geberdt, Sydenham Sportsmen's Association.pdf3.Letter from Kenneth Johns, Georgian Shores Marina.pdf13.bReport CS-21-093 from the Facilities Booking Coordinator Re: Georgian Bay Folk Society 46th Annual Summerfolk Music Festival – August 21, 2021 1.Georgian Bay Folk Society 46th Annual Summerfolk Music Festival - August 21-22, 2021 - CS-21-093.pdf2.Schedule 'A' required Conditions of Approval.pdf3.Schedule ‘B’ Site Map for each City of Owen Sound location.pdf13.cMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board meeting held on May 26, 2021 1.2021-05-26 GSCA Minutes.pdf13.dMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Downtown Improvement Area Board of Management meeting held on May 12, 2021 1.2021-05-12 OSDIA Minutes.pdf13.eMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Downtown Improvement Area Board of Management Special meeting held on June 2, 2021 1.2021-06-02 Special OSDIA Minutes.pdf13.fMinutes of Boards and Committees for Receipt Re: Owen Sound Police Services Board meeting held on May 26, 2021 1.2021-05-26 OSPS Minutes and Reports.pdf13.gCorrespondence received which is presented for the information of Council 1.2021-07-19 Information Package.pdf14.COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPROVAL 14.aMinutes of the Community Services Committee meeting held on July 7, 2021 1.2021-07-07 CSC Minutes.pdf14.bMinutes of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held on June 24, 2021 1.2021-06-24 Corporate Services Minutes.pdf14.cMinutes of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery Advisory Committee meeting held on July 7, 2021 1.2021-07-07 TTAGAC Minutes.pdf14.dMinutes of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery Facility Expansion Ad Hoc Committee meeting held on June 23, 2021 1.2021-06-23 TTAG Facility Expansion Minutes.pdf14.eMinutes of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery Facility Expansion Ad Hoc Committee meeting held on July 5, 2021 1.2021-07-05 TTAG Facility Expansion Minutes.pdf15.MATTERS POSTPONED There are no postponed matters.16.MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN 16.aMotion presented by Councillor Merton at the June 28, 2021 Regular Council Meeting: "THAT City Council: Directs staff to include in the Procedural By-law review report scheduled to come to Council at the August 30, 2021 meeting: An expansion of the current land acknowledgement practice by beginning each Council meeting, including Committee and Public meetings, with an appropriate land acknowledgement; and That the full text of the land acknowledgement be incorporated in the minutes of each meeting; Directs staff to include a land acknowledgement on the City website; and Directs staff to include actions that will support the work of reconciliation through the Strategic Plan Re-fresh, Safe City, Key Result No. 4 being the creation of a comprehensive corporate equity, diversity and inclusion strategy by December 2022." 17.DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 18.MOTION THAT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RISE AND REPORT FORMAL SESSION19.MOTION TO ADOPT PROCEEDINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 20.NOTICES OF MOTION 21.BY-LAWS 21.aBy-law No. 2021-087 "A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound held on the 19th day of July, 2021"21.bBy-law No. 2021-088 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Site Plan Agreement with Andpet Realty Limited respecting property located at 1488-1574 14th Street East (ST2021-004 Blocks 1 & 2, East Court Residences Subdivision)"21.cBy-law No. 2021-089 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agency Agreement with Fire Marque Inc. respecting fire claims"21.dBy-law No. 2021-090 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) respecting tourism wayfinding signage funding"21.eBy-law No. 2021-091 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a third Lease Amending Agreement with the Owen Sound Attack Inc. respecting a two year term extension"21.fBy-law No. 2021-092 "A By-law to adopt Policy No. FS25 Capital Budget" 21.gBy-law No. 2021-093 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Facility Use Agreement with Georgian Bay Folk Society for the use of Kelso Beach, Harrison Park, Queen’s Park Bandshell and the Owen Sound Visitor Centre (Summerfolk 2021)"21.hBy-law No. 2021-094 "A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Facility Use Agreement with Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association for the use of Kelso Beach (Salmon Spectacular 2021)"22.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Canada Community Revitalization Fund - CR-21-073.pdf1.2021-05-26 GSCA Minutes.pdf1.2021-05-26 OSPS Minutes and Reports.pdf1.2021-06-24 Corporate Services Minutes.pdf1.2021-07-07 CSC Minutes.pdf1.2021-06-28 Minutes.pdf1.2021-07-19 Information Package.pdf1.2021-06-23 TTAG Facility Expansion Minutes.pdf1.2021-07-07 TTAGAC Minutes.pdf1.Sydenham Sportsmen's Association 33rd Annual Salmon Spectacular - August 27 to September 5, 2021 - CS-21-092.pdf2.Letter from Chris Geberdt, Sydenham Sportsmen's Association.pdf3.Letter from Kenneth Johns, Georgian Shores Marina.pdf1.2022 Call to Budget - CR-21-076.pdf2.Capital project template matrix.pdf1.Conveyance of Public Land Adjacent to 590 2nd Street A West - OP-21-027.pdf2.PL1025 - block G highlighted.pdf1.Georgian Bay Folk Society 46th Annual Summerfolk Music Festival - August 21-22, 2021 - CS-21-093.pdf2.Schedule 'A' required Conditions of Approval.pdf3.Schedule ‘B’ Site Map for each City of Owen Sound location.pdf1.Wayfinding Signage Project Update - CS-21-106.pdf2.Wayfinding Signage County Roads Map.pdf1.Recommendation Report - ZBA 33 Sydenham Heights Centre at 1960 16th St E. by Thompson Centres Inc. - CS-21-107.pdf2.Schedule 'A' - Orthophoto.pdf3.Schedule 'B' - Official Plan and Zoning Map.pdf4.SchedC_ConceptPlan(1).pdf5.Schedule 'D' - Peer Review Process.pdf6.Schedule 'E' - Draft Zoning By-law and Schedule.pdf7.Schedule 'F' - Public Meeting Minutes and Public Comments.pdf8.Schedule 'G' - Agency Comments.pdf1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-005) - 1457 14th Street East - Block 4 East Court Residences Subdivision - CS-21-096.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho.pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy.pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details.pdf5.Schedule D_Concept Plan.pdf6.Schedule E_Site Plan.pdf7.Schedule F_Landscape Plan.pdf8.Schedule G_Elevations.pdf9.Schedule H_Conditions.pdf10.Schedule I_Agency Comments.pdf1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-008) - Block 5 East Court Residences Subdivision - CS-21-091.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho(1).pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy(1).pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details(1).pdf5.Schedule D_Concept Plan(1).pdf6.Schedule E_Site Plan(1).pdf7.Schedule F_Landscape Plan(1).pdf8.Schedule G_Elevations(1).pdf9.Schedule H_Conditions(1).pdf10.Schedule I_Agency Comments(1).pdf1.2021-05-12 OSDIA Minutes.pdf1.2021-06-02 Special OSDIA Minutes.pdf1.City Actions and Decisions Implemented, COVID-19 from May 15, 2021 – July 16, 2021 - CM-21-016.pdf1.Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport - CM-21-015.pdf1.Recommendation Report - Site Plan Approval ST2021- 003 Marina View Heights at 2347 3rd Ave W - CS-21-103.pdf2.ST2021003SchedA.pdf3.ST2021003SchedB.pdf4.Schedule C_PropertyInfo.pdf5.SchedD_SitePlan_OPEN.pdf6.SchedE_ElevationsArchBrief.pdf7.Schedule F_Conditions.pdf8.ScheduleG_Comments.pdf1.2021-07-05 TTAG Facility Expansion Minutes.pdf1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-006) - 1745 23rd Street East - Owen Sound Fuels - CS-21-104.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho(3).pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy(3).pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details(3).pdf5.Schedule D_Site Plan(1).pdf6.Schedule E_Conditions.pdf7.Schedule F_Comments.pdf1.Site Plan Approval (ST2021-007) - 530 28th Street West - Barry's Construction - CS-21-088.pdf2.Schedule A_Ortho(2).pdf3.Schedule B_Planning Policy(2).pdf4.Schedule C_Property Details(2).pdf5.Schedule D_Site Plan.pdf6.Schedule E_Floor Plans and Elevations.pdf7.Schedule F_Shadow Study.pdf8.Schedule G_Landscape Plan.pdf9.Schedule H_Conditions(2).pdf10.Schedule I_Agency Comments(2).pdf